What is Data SGP?

Data sgp is an indicator of how much a student has grown in their academic performance relative to students who have similar prior test score histories (their academic peers). The data sgp indicator is calculated by comparing the student’s current scaled assessment score to the student’s previous score. This allows us to compare how far the student has come as compared to their peer group and is an important aspect of OSPI’s new system for measuring academic achievement called value-added (VA).

Educators can view a student’s data sgp by selecting a specific student in the assessment results report and choosing the “SGP Data” tab. This displays the student’s SGP scores for each year they have been tested along with a projection of how high or low they might reach in future years.

For example, let’s say a sixth grader earned a scale score of 370 on this year’s statewide ELA exam and has a prior scaled score of 300. In this scenario, the student’s growth percentage is 60. A student with a growth percentage of 60 is growing at or above the rate of half of students with comparable score histories. This is an indication that the student has made significant academic gains and is moving closer to meeting their achievement targets or goals.

As a result of the increased transparency and clarity provided by the new SGP system, the state has revised its educator evaluation policy to allow districts to use individual student SGP data in their educator evaluation processes. However, it is important to note that this new data sgp indicator should not be used in place of a student’s value-added score as required by state law for school and district accountability purposes.

The data sgp indicators are designed to provide educators with information about their students’ academic progress, and should be used in conjunction with other student assessment measures. Using SGP in addition to other measures helps ensure that all students are fairly evaluated and the most effective educational decisions can be made for each student.

Educators are encouraged to share their students’ SGP data with families, as it can enrich the picture of a student’s academic experience and provides context about their learning. SGP data should also be used as part of the student learning outcomes (SLO) process and in ongoing continuous improvement efforts.

To help educators get started with using SGP data, Macomb ISD and Clare-Gladwin ISD have created an interactive tool that will allow educators to create visualizations of both a student’s achievement and their growth based on the same district student data file available on BAA Secure Site. This tool can be found at https://datasgp.com/index.php/download-datasgp-tool. For detailed instructions, see the SGP Data Tools Instructions. The tools require you to have the WIDE format of the student data file, which can be downloaded from BAA. For most analyses, you will want to use the LONG format. The advantages of using the LONG format are numerous and include preparation, storage, and analysis functions that are not available in the WIDE format.